10 Wealth Commandments

THE Daniel Williams

5/24/20231 min read

In the midst of the longest period of peacetime economic expansion, many Americans are still struggling with basic money management principles.

According to the National Endowment for Financial Education, 76 percent of adults nationwide feel financial stress, and almost half (49 percent) of adults live paycheck to paycheck.

As a nation, Americans' adult financial literacy level ranks at a pitiful 57%. For context, that is tied for 14th, and ranks only slightly ahead of Botswana.

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Apex Living > 10 Wealth Commandments

"As of January 2023, 60% of United States adults, including more than four in 10 high-income consumers, live paycheck to paycheck."

Lending Club

  • I will pay myself first

    • I will start by saving 10% of my income

  • I will live within my means

    1. I will establish a budget to follow

  • I will develop good wealth habits

    1. I will increase my net wealth by 10%

  • I will improve my credit score

    1. I will raise my credit score by 50 points

  • I will reduce/eliminate my debt

    1. I will reduce my debt by 25%

  • I will earn compound interest, instead of paying it

    1. I will leverage my improved credit score into lower interest rates

  • I will develop streams of passive income

    1. I will learn how to earn money outside of my regular job

  • I will invest in the stock market

    1. I will invest $100 in the stock market

  • I will invest in real estate

    1. I will invest $500 in real estate

  • I will protect my legacy

    • I will invest in a minimum of $50,000 of life insurance