Financial Literacy Month Quotes

THE Daniel Williams

3/29/20233 min read

Financial Literacy is the foundation of wealth. Yet, in an age when information is accessible at the push of a button, many Americans still struggle with basic financial principles.

We celebrate Financial Literacy Month in April, and these Financial Literacy Quotes will help you develop the right money mindset for building a more prosperous future.

Apex Living > Financial Literacy Month Quotes

ship wreck, Ben Franklin quote
ship wreck, Ben Franklin quote

Beware of small expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship.”

~ Benjamin Franklin

If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.”

~ Warren Buffett

a woman in a red dress is shown with a Warren Buffett quote from warren baker
a woman in a red dress is shown with a Warren Buffett quote from warren baker

If you are rich, you have the whole world. If you are happy, you have the whole universe.”

~ Matshona Dhliwayo

a person holding a bottle of wine in front of a starr sky
a person holding a bottle of wine in front of a starr sky
a woman in a raincoat with a quote from john dent
a woman in a raincoat with a quote from john dent

Financial illiteracy is like being in a rain storm and trying to jump in between the raindrops."

~ Johnnie Dent Jr.

a person sitting on a field with a sky background
a person sitting on a field with a sky background

Investing, like spirituality, has a lot to do with the flow of energy.”

~ Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr

a man on a skateboard doing a trick on a ramp
a man on a skateboard doing a trick on a ramp

Progress on the social ladder is almost always the result of progress in other areas of your life.”

~ Oscar Auliq-Ice

a hand holding a hand with a quote about financial
a hand holding a hand with a quote about financial

You will never appreciate the value of financial literacy until the price of ignorance overwhelms you”

~ Mac Duke The Strategist

a man with a hat flipping a coin
a man with a hat flipping a coin
a woman holding a hourglass of sand in front of a window
a woman holding a hourglass of sand in front of a window
a woman in a kayak with a quote about financial advice
a woman in a kayak with a quote about financial advice

Get rich fast and get poor fast are opposing sides of the same coin.”

~ Daniel Crosby

Everyday is a bank account, and time is our currency."

~ Christopher Rice

Everyone needs to strive for financial freedom so that he or she can focus on what he/she loves in life.”

~ Todd M. Fleming

If you chase riches, you will never be great. But if you chase greatness, you will always be rich!”

~ Alex Haditaghi

a man in a white space suit and a quote from alex holling
a man in a white space suit and a quote from alex holling
a person standing in front of a large window with a view of a city
a person standing in front of a large window with a view of a city

In order to become rich, you must believe you can do it, and you must take the actions necessary to achieve your goal.”

~ Suze Orman

Make no mistake about it; money is first and foremost about freedom.”

~ Ziad K. Abdelnour

a woman standing in front of a lake with a quote about money
a woman standing in front of a lake with a quote about money
a tree with a quote about money
a tree with a quote about money
a person holding a compass with a quote about money
a person holding a compass with a quote about money

Money grows on the tree of persistence.”

~ Japanese Proverb

a dream catcher with a quote about pay your bills
a dream catcher with a quote about pay your bills

More people should learn to tell their dollars where to go instead of asking them where they went.”

~ Roger Babson

a woman with curly hair and a quote about investing
a woman with curly hair and a quote about investing

Pay your bills, yes. But don't invest in them. Invest in your dreams. What you invest in grows.”

~ Suzette Hinton

One penny may seem to you a very insignificant thing, but it is the small seed from which fortunes spring.”

~ Orison Swett Marden

Your most important investment is in yourself.”

~ Jonas Caino